Q - How do you keep my pet still?
A - This is a very good question and probably the most asked. Your pet will
be positioned comfortably in my lap. Gentle relaxation techniques will calm
your pet down allowing them to feel safe and comfortable. Most dogs and
cats are at ease with this service however, if at any point your pet
becomes uncomfortable and we can not complete the cleaning you will not be charged for your visit.
Q - Does this type of cleaning hurt my pet?
A- Absolutely not! This is an extremely gentle procedure. We often have dogs fall asleep during their cleaning.
Q - How long does it take to clean my pets teeth?
A - Typically appointments are an hour in length.
However this may vary depending on individual needs. Sometimes a longer or shorter appointment is required.
Q - My pets teeth are really bad... Can I still book?
A - At your first visit we will have a thorough look at their teeth. Should there be any loose teeth, broken, or anything unusual we will refer you back to your vet. Sometimes it is necessary to have a cleaning done under a general anaesthetic. Other times your vet will be happy to give us the go ahead.
Q - How effective is this type of cleaning?
A - Generally we are able to do a very thorough job cleaning all the inside and outside surfaces of the teeth along the gum line. However this type of cleaning is not for every dog. If we notice excessive build up with very loose or broken teeth we will refer you to your vet for a deep cleaning under a general anesthetic. Please remember that although this is a great service I am not a vet and do not diagnose or treat disease.
Q - Can I stay with my dog or cat during the appointment?
A - As with children, most dogs and cats behave much better when their guardian is not
present. I prefer to work with your pet alone as I find that they settle down and are much calmer. I can assure you that the safety and well being of your pet is always my number one concern.